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Investment Institute

How to utilise cashflow driven investments in pension portfolios

Watch the replay of our recent masterclass on how to utilise cashflow driven investments in pension portfolios

In a low rate environment, more investors are looking beyond buy and maintain credit to alternative income as a source of risk and return.

AXA IM’s Head of Fixed Income Portfolio Solutions, Sebastien Proffit, joins a panel of experts to discuss Cashflow Driven Investing (CDI):

1. How can schemes “add more CDI” to their pension portfolios ?

2. How credit has been underutilised and how investors can widen their horizons to benefit from CDI ?

3. Is climate friendly and sustainable CDI a must-have or a nice-to-have? The experts discuss CDI and the climate transition ?

Investments involve risks including loss of capital

Watch the replay of our masterclass
Investment Strategies

What is cashflow driven investing (CDI)?

Cashflow driven investing is a long-term approach that seeks to help schemes increase their ability to meet their future cashflow requirements and their funding objectives.

Find out more

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    Risk Warning

    The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.