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Sustainability news

AXA IM is the top European asset manager committed to responsible investing for the third consecutive year

AXA IM retains its position as the number one asset manager in Europe1 committed to responsible investment in the Hirschel & Kramer (H&K) Responsible Investment Brand Index 2021 (RIBI) due to continous dedication to responsible investment topics and strategies.

AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) is also ranked as the second most committed company to responsible investment by the brand index, out of more than 500 asset managers2  globally, and ranked first in France.

AXA IM is one of only 16% of firms that were considered in the highest Avant-Gardist category3 , reflecting the company’s ongoing efforts to invest for long-term prosperity and sustainability.

The new ranking highlights the extent to which ESG, and responsible investing, is embedded at all levels at AXA IM. The index takes the view that genuine involvement in responsible investment is demonstrated in two ways:

  • via concrete actions such as, for example, committing to collective initiatives on sustainable development, or publishing proxy voting activity (‘Commitment measure’),

  • the intent that emanates from within asset managers through their brand, best seen in open and transparently communicated purpose statements and value systems that genuinely encourage the creation of greater societal value in addition to monetary returns (‘Brand measure’).

Marco Morelli, Executive Chairman of AXA Investment Managers, said: “We are honoured to be recognised as the top investment manager in Europe, and the second globally, committed to responsible investing. We strive to maintain our pioneering role as a responsible investor and long-term steward of our clients’ investments and this award reflects our dedication to ESG which is at the heart of our purpose. We believe that this aligns our actions with the values of our clients, and we will relentlessly pursue our efforts in this area.”

The H&K Responsible Investment Brand Index was developed to assess which asset management companies act as responsible investors through actions validated and checked across more than 300 data points. This distinguishes asset managers committed to sustainable development and change by placing responsible investment at the very heart of their identity.

The full report can be consulted here.

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    The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.