AXA IM renames its most focused ESG funds to help simplify its sustainable range for clients
AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) announces the renaming of its most focused ESG funds, which will include the word “ACT” in the official fund name to simplify its range for distributors and end investors.
Commenting on the renaming of the funds and strategies, Hans Stoter, Global Head of AXA IM Core, said: “Both clients and regulators are increasingly calling for greater transparency and simplicity from asset managers when it comes to helping investors understand how to compare different ESG products. We believe a clearer categorisation of our offering will go some way to address this. Specifically, applying a common name to all products which sit under our strictest ESG category is intended to help our clients easily identify these funds and be clear on the criteria.”
“The development of our ACT fund range reinforces our commitment to Responsible Investing and to helping people to be better invested. We intend to continue to grow our ACT range, as we believe that is it critical to empower investors to take action against key challenges such as climate change.”
AXA IM’s ACT fund range aims to target specific sustainability goals around issues such as climate change and inequality in order to achieve the best possible outcomes related to ESG criteria and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). These changes reinforce AXA IM’s commitment to deliver sustainable, long-term value for clients while driving meaningful change for society and the environment.
This range of funds aims to provide a clear categorisation for clients of ESG product offerings and strategies that incorporate ESG criteria to varying degrees. The addition of the common name “ACT” provides a clear identification, not only meeting the demand for simplified responsible investing solutions and the need for transparency, but also facilitating the comparision of different products on an ESG integration level.
AXA IM considers all funds in the ACT range to be classified as Article 9 under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)1 .
Fund names for the ACT range are gradually being changed to include the word “ACT,” which will happen in several waves that started in August and September 2021. By the end of the year, some funds will also be reshaped or launched, subject to regulatory approval.
Currently, as part of the the first wave, seven funds have now been renamed:
AXA WF Framlington Human Capital became AXA WF ACT Framlington Human Capital.
AXA WF Framlington Social Progress became AXA WF ACT Framlington Social Progress.
AXA WF Multi Asset Optimal Impact became AXA WF ACT Multi Asset Optimal Impact.
AXA WF Global Green Bonds became AXA WF ACT Global Green Bonds.
AXA WF US High Yield Bonds Low Carbon became AXA WF ACT US High Yield Bonds Low Carbon.
AXA WF US Corporate Bonds became AXA WF ACT US Corporate Bonds Low Carbon.
AXA WF Framlington Clean Economy became AXA WF ACT Framlington Clean Economy.
AXA IM’s ACT fund range embeds sustainability factors into the portfolio construction process, adhering to AXA IM’s ESG standards2 which help to manage ESG risks and focus on material issues such as climate change, health and social capital, while also considering severe controversies as well as low ESG quality.
The ACT range will also encompass AXA IM’s recently launched ESG funds, such as the AXA WF ACT US High Yield Bonds Low Carbon fund launched in April 20213 .
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