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Appointment news

AXA Investment Managers appoints Mark Hargraves Global Head of Framlington Equities and Isabelle de Gavoty Deputy Head of Framlington Equities

AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) announces the appointment of Mark Hargraves as Global Head of Framlington Equities, effective immediately.

Based in London, Mark will lead the global AXA IM Framlington Equities business with its offices in London, Paris, Tokyo and Hong Kong. As part of his new role, he will continue to maintain his current portfolio management responsibilities.

Mark takes over the role from Matthew Lovatt, who has been appointed Global Head of Client Group, Core. Mark will report to Hans Stoter, Global Head of AXA IM Core.

Isabelle de Gavoty is appointed Deputy Head of Framlington Equities, effective immediately. As part of her new role, she will continue to maintain her current portfolio management responsibilities. Based in Paris, she will report to Mark Hargraves.

Framlington Equities is AXA IM’s active, long-term, conviction-based equities business focused on aiming to deliver consistent excess returns through active, fundamental, bottom-up stock selection.


Mark Hargraves

Prior to AXA IM, Mark started his fund management career at Hambros Fund Management in 1995. 

He joined AXA IM as a portfolio manager in 2000 and has a wide range of experience managing European, EAFE and global equity portfolios. In 2012 he became Head of Global Strategies and was subsequently appointed Head of AXA IM Framlington UK in 2019.

Mark holds a Master’s in Finance from London Business School and a bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Bristol.

Isabelle de Gavoty

Prior to AXA IM, Isabelle worked as a financial analyst on the automobile sector with Wargny.

Isabelle joined AXA IM in 1998 in the Europe Small cap Equity team before being promoted in 2008 Head of small cap strategies where she has successfully extended the franchise from European to global products including ESG criteria for a wide range of clients. She was appointed Head of Framlington Equities France in 2019.

Isabelle holds a Master’s in Finance from the University of Aix-Marseille and a diploma in Advanced Studies in Finance from the Oxford Brookes University. She also has the SFAF certification and is a member of the European Financial Analyst Society.

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    The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.