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past events

Insurance webinar: How buy and maintain credit can help insurers towards their Net Zero target

Insurers, like other investors, are increasingly making commitments to achieve net-zero portfolios, whether driven by risk and financial materiality, regulations or the desire to make a positive impact on the world we live in. Fixed Income is an important asset class to consider on the road to net zero. But with many different considerations to keep in mind, the process can become daunting.

During the webinar we will explore the challenges that investors face when it comes to turning commitment into action. Our specialists share their views on how insurance companies can build more resilient buy and maintain credit portfolios, in order to achieve their net zero goals while fulfilling reporting requirements. 

Topics being discussed will include:

  • How can insurance companies reshape investment portfolios to reduce their carbon footprint?
  • How do you concretely implement net zero goals in your portfolio?
  • What kind of KPIs do you use to measure progress towards an objective?
  • How can you assess corporate commitments and track the carbon pathway of a strategy? 

Watch the replay

Click here to watch the Brighttalk replay.

Investment strategies

Buy and Maintain Credit

Buy & Maintain credit is our core flagship fixed income strategy with fully-integrated ESG factor analysis, helping our clients access the investment grade credit markets.

Find out more


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    The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. 

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